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452 BRAY SLAVE [G87.3]
Location - Bear Creek Township. 2,100 feet west of SR 1100, Airport Road, 1.4 miles south of SR 1129, Lamberts Chapel Road, and Brush Creek Baptist Church, on farm at 6258 Airport Road.
Coordinates: 35d 38m 17.8s N; 79d 31m 47.5s W Click here for Online Maps
This slave cemetery is associated with the Henry Bray family [G87.1]. The slave cemetery is about 100 yards due south of the Bray family cemetery. Several people have mentioned the existence of this cemetery. In December 2011, Jane and Alan Mann were shown the site by the Cobels, who were current residents on the property. The Manns took four photos, at least one of which shows some inscription on the grave marker, although it is not entirely legible. CCHA hopes to return to this site to inventory the grave markers.
Owner: Larry and Christina McPherson Trustees PO Box 1246 Liberty 27298. Legal Description: parcel 61767, deed 1297/901 (2006), plat 86-91 (1986); deed 577/672, 31 Jul 1991; plat 94-12 (1993). Deeds and plats do not reference cemetery. Topo Quadrant: Coleridge. Type: African-American. Slave cemetery. Maintained: Overgrown but recognizable as a cemetery. Number of graves: approx. unclear. Cemetery size: not known. Restricted access: Yes. Private property Well maintained and preserved: Yes, trees growing among stones. Enclosed: No. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: not known. Last burial: ?. First burial: ?. Markers damaged: Yes, age and weather. Hazards: Time and neglect. Listed: No.
Other Information: Some stones photographed in Dec 2011 by Jane and Alan Mann. Site should be revisited and inventoried.
Last canvassed by: Alan and Jane Mann several markers on 18 Dec 2011.
B., N. (b. Unknown - d. Jul 1888)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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