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399 JONES, CHESLEY [N79.2]
Location - Bear Creek Township. 1,500 feet north of NC 42, 0.75 mile east of Fall Creek Baptist Church
In 1989, Wayne Phillips reported 12 markers with 8 of them legible.
Owner: Daniel Jones Family. Topo Quadrant: Bennett. Family owned: Yes. Maintained and in use: Yes. Number of graves: 12. Cemetery size: 75' x 75'. White: Yes. Unrestricted access: Yes. Well maintained: Yes. Enclosed: Yes. Miscellaneous information: Back page of survey form is missing. Last canvassed by: Wayne Phillips. Date: 1989.
Jones, Chesley D. (b. 30 Jun 1823 - d. 10 Jul 1865)
Husband of Mary Ann (Smith) Jones and Elizabeth B. (Hatch) Jones. Son of Sugar Jones. Grandson of Edmund Jones. "He was a noble Christian man". Ref: David White, Marlborough, NH/8-16-93.
Jones, Cornelia E. (Welch) (b. 7 Mar 1873 - d. 25 Sep 1940)
Wife of John Chesley Jones. Row 1.
Jones, Elizabeth B. (Hatch) (b. 7 Sep 1831 - d. 14 Feb 1898)
Wife of (1) Chesley D. Jones and (2) S. M. Scott. "Weep not, she is not dead but sleepeth". 2nd marriage to S.M. Scott.
Jones, Henrietta (b. 1 Jun 1913 - d. 13 Oct 1914)
Daughter of John Chesley and Cornelia E. (Welch) Jones. "Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven". Row 1.
Jones, John Chesley (b. 26 Aug 1865 - d. 23 Oct 1951)
Husband of Cornelia E. (Welch) Jones. Row 1.
Jones, Mary Ann (Smith) (b. 30 Aug 1823 - d. 1 Sep 1858)
1st wife of Chesley D. Jones. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep".
Jones, Nancy (b. 13 May 1899 - d. 27 Aug 1899)
Daughter of John Chesley and Cornelia E. (Welch) Jones. "Asleep in Jesus".
Jones, Naoma (b. 14 Jul 1915 - d. 9 May 1918)
Daughter of John Chesley and Cornelia E. (Welch) Jones. "Gone to be an angel". Row 1.
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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