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243 HEADEN, ANDREW [J21.1]
Location - Hickory Mountain Township. On the south side of SR 2169, Zeb Ferguson Road, 0.3 mile east of SR 2170, Rives Chapel Church Road. Adjacent to the home at 292 Zeb Ferguson Rd.
Coordinates: 35d 43m 23.2s N; 79d 21m 10.2s W Click here for Online Maps
More cemetery views: Additional view 1. Additional view 2. Additional view 3. Additional view 4.
This cemetery was compiled in 1963, by Lois Sugg Willett, Guilford Battle Chapter, DAR, Greensboro, North Carolina. Its location was reported to Will Heiser by Wade Hampton Hadley, 23 Mar 1989. It was surveyed by Catherine Porteous-Sutton and Charlie Thomas on 15 August 1993, and visited by Will and Audrey Heiser on 6 October 1993. CCHA volunteer Kelly Gomez visited the cemetery February 2021 to complete a photo survey.
Owner: Heirs of Isaac B. Headen. Legal Description: Parcel 75181 is 1 acre cemetery. Reference to cemetery in Deed DK-525; 276-437. Shown on Plat 7-51 and 14-18 and 9-96. Topo Quadrant: Siler City NE. Family owned: Yes. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: 18 inscribed; more unmarked. Cemetery size: 1 acre. White and enslaved. Restricted access: Yes. Access from private drive Overgrown and easy to identify: Yes. Enclosed: No. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 18. Last burial: 1902. First burial: 1819. Markers damaged: Yes. Other damage explanation: Several slabs and pedestals broken. Listed: Yes. Listed explanation: DAR, Greensboro NC, 1964, p. 14.
Significant events: Significant events: Carrie Lee Ferguson reported that her father believed some of the field stones at the east end of the cemetery mark slave graves. The adjacent property owner, Bill Harman, confirmed his knowledge of an enslaved section of the cemetery. He pointed it out as the north part of the cemetery parcel. As of 2023, the section that he pointed out was overgrown and inaccessible, although depressions in the ground and periwinkle are visible in that section.
Last canvassed by: Lois Sugg Willett, Guilford Battle Chapter, DAR, 1963; Catherine Porteous-Sutton and Charlie Thomas on 15 August 1993; Will and Audrey Heiser, 6 Oct 1993; Kelly Gomez, 2021; 2022.
Headen, Aaron Dallas (b. 24 Oct 1820 - d. 8 Dec 1858)
Inscribed: "In memory of" "A warm friend, a good neighbor, a kind master, Those who knew him best loved him most." "Hark from the tomb a doleful sign, Mine ear attend the cry; ye living men come view the ground where you must shortly lie." Stone by Lauder, Fayette. Row 1, Col 4. Another view. Another view. Additional view.
Headen, Andrew (b. Abt 1777 - d. 12 Dec 1840)
Husband of Nancy (Brooks) Headen. "In memory of." "Age 83 yrs 9 mos." Buried deep in ground. Row 4, Col 4. Another view.
Headen, Andrew (b. 14 Mar 1830 - d. 6 Sep 1879)
Husband of Martha Louisa Headen. "Hark the golden harps are ringing, sounds celestial fill his ear, Millions now in Heaven singing, great his joyful entrance there." Masonic Insignia W.C. Wilson, Durham, NC. Row 2, Col 5. Closeup. Makers mark. Another view.
Headen, Andrew (b. Abt 1800 - d. 10 Oct 1841)
Headen, Isaac (b. 3 Jun 1789 - d. 28 Jan 1845)
Inscribed: "In memory of." Lauder, Fayette. "55 yrs 7 mos 25 ds." Row 3, Col 2.
Headen, Isaac B. (b. 7 Mar 1855 - d. 24 Sep 1902)
Inscribed: "To Thee, dear Savior, my spirit turns for rest, My place is in Thy favor, my pillow on Thy breast." Row 1, Col 3. Another view.
Headen, Isaac B., Dr. (b. 18 Apr 1817 - d. 16 Jun 1852)
Husband of Catherine Adelaide Headen. "Erected to the memory of --- by his wife." "He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in the spring of 1840 after which he pursued his profession very successfully up to the time of his death." Row 4, Col 1. Closeup. Another view. Additional view with dates.
Headen, Josiah (b. 17 Aug 1801 - d. 10 May 1859)
Headen, Martha Louisa (b. 30 Nov 1834 - d. 27 Jul 1898)
Wife of Andrew Headen. "Hark the golden harps are ringing, sounds celestial fill her ear, Millions now in Heaven singing, great her joyful entrance there." "Our Mother." "Aged 63 Yrs 7Ms 27Ds." Another view. Additional view.
Headen, Mary S. (b. Abt 1738 - d. 26 Oct 1819)
Consort of Josiah Headen. "In memory of." "Age 81 years." Row 2, Col 4.
Headen, Mary T. (b. 19 Oct 1815 - d. 21 Oct 1849)
Headen, Nancy (Brooks) (b. 1759 - d. 1 Sep 1832)
Wife of Andrew Headen. "To the memory of." "Aged 73." Row 5, Col 5. Another view.
Headen, Susannah (b. 8 Oct 1799 - d. 2 Apr 1874)
Headen, Temperance (b. 19 Jan 1797 - d. 24 Feb 1877)
Headen, William (b. 26 Sep 1823 - d. 4 Nov 1841)
S, H. R. L. (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Another view. 1993 notes of Catherine Porteous-Sutton say "H.R.L.S. on west side of stone; R.I.L.S on east side of stone." Row 6, Col 5.
S, R. I. L. (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Another view. 1993 notes of Catherine Porteous-Sutton say "H.R.L.S. on west side of stone; R.I.L.S. on east side of stone." Row 6, Col 5.
Siler, Nancy Attely (Headen) (b. 11 Feb 1828 - d. 22 Sep 1855)
Wife of Crabtree Siler. Daughter of William & Susannah Headen. Married 25 October 1854. "Sacred to the Memory of." Marker signed "Lauder." Row 1, Col 1. Additional view. Another view.
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 2 October 2024
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