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Location - Hickory Mountain Township. 600 feet north of SR 1503, Harold Hart Road, 800 feet west of Walter Bunton residence, off US 64, northwest of Hart's Furniture Store - immediately behind St. Julia Catholic Church, and accessible from the church parking area.
Coordinates: 35d 44m 08.2s N; 79d 22m 36.8s W Click here for Online Maps
On 7 October 1996, Audrey and Will Heiser recorded 10 grave markers which were accessible. The Heisers noted many more grave stones on the ground, covered with weeds and brush. At that time many of the stones were broken and off their pedestals. On 5 April 1997, Will Heiser, along with 7 other interested persons, recorded 7 more grave markers, which were previously covered over.
On 1 March 2010, Bev Wiggins photographed the stones, which were accessible because the brush in the cemetery had recently been cut. One inscribed stone not previously recorded was found and several inscriptions were more completely recorded from the photographs. Two stones previously recorded were not found or the inscriptions not visible in their current positions.
In July 2010, the cemetery was cleaned up, most of the broken stones repaired, and fallen or tilted stones righted. The cleanup was funded and overseen by Alston descendants Steve Brooks and Sara Brooks Strassle. This restoration made it possible to record information from stones that were previously inaccessible.
View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery. View #4 of the cemetery.
Owner: Walter A. Bunton. Legal Description: Deed 935/1045, 24 May 2002; Plat 99-435. Deed 363/159, 24 May 2002; Deed 363/159, 8 Oct 1971, from R. G. and Cora E. Hancock. Parcel 11741. Topo Quadrant: Siler City. Family owned: Yes. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: 20+. Cemetery size: 90' x 90'. White: Yes. Restricted access: Yes. Private property Overgrown and easy to identify: Yes. Enclosed: Yes. Enclosed explanation: Rock wall. Enclosed conditions: Fallen down in some spots. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 18. Last burial: 1891. First burial: 1841. Unusual situation: Yes. Unusual situation: Large stone monuments with lengthy and unusual epitaphs. Markers damaged: Yes. Damage from farm animals: Yes. Damage from vandalism: Yes. Hazards: Lack of care. Listed: Yes.
Significant events: Joseph John 'Chatham Jack' Alston, Jr., and his family were prominent in the early development of Chatham County.
Last canvassed by: Audrey and Will Heiser. Date: 7 Oct 1996. Will Heiser, Apr 1997. Bev Wiggins, March 2010. Jim and Bev Wiggins on 22 Jul 2010.
Alston, Ann Maria (Alston) (b. abt 1794 - d. 25 Jun 1852)
Wife of Robert P. [William Palmer] Alston of Chatham. She died the 25th of June 1852 aged 58 years. "Go stranger, tell my beloved husband, friends, and relations, to grieve not for me, shall not the Judge of all the earth do right And the worms destroy my body, yet will my Redeemer at the last day raise me to everlasting life." 2'sq. monument 4' tall. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Eveline (Alston) (b. 29 Feb 1806 - d. 11 Nov 1891)
[Wife of Gideon Alston-shared stone. Mother of JA, JP, SE, and GP Alston-on stone.] "Daughter of Philip and Martha Alston of Warren Co., N.C." "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still watter [sic]." 10' pedestal - south side. Closeup of inscription. Ornate carving.
Alston, Fanny Ann (b. 5 Mar 1831 - d. 12 Jun 1864)
Wife of J.A. Alston." Small, finely carved marble tablet-carved in relief-letters are raised. Closeup of inscription. Details in carving.
Alston, Gideon (b. 9 Sep 1806 - d. 24 Dec 1855)
[Husband of Eveline (Alston) Alston-shared stone. Father of JA, JP, SE, and GP Alston-on stone. Son of Joseph John and Martha (Kearney) Alston.] "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2nd Chap. 29 & 30 verse." "Sweet Repose" "Sacred to the memory." 10' pedestal - north side. Footstone: GA.
Alston, Infant (b. Unknown - d. 1880)
Small. Infant daughter of G.P. and R.L. Alston
Alston, John J. [Jones] (b. 17 Mar 1792 - d. 18 Sep 1842)
[Husband of Adeline Williams Alston.] "Could friendship's voice his matchless praises, speak Could friendships handsome dear memento raise. It had been done-but friendships' power too weak cannot portray, dare not his virtues praise. Yet silence here is startling Eloquence. His virtues stand engraven on each heart. So mild, so gentle, free from all pretense. Above the minstrels song of poet's art. In life he bore affliction's storms unmoved. In sickness spake of peace in midst of pain. In death had hope, knew that by god beloved. Death had no sting, and loss to him was gain." 2'sq. 3' high pedestal. "Sacred to the memory of." Stone signed by M. A. Boyd. Relationship info from Alston---Society, Vol. 1, 1958-1961, p. 32. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Joseph J. (b. 15 Mar 1767 - d. 29 Apr 1841)
[Husband of Martha (Kearney) Alston.] "Erected to the memory of Joseph J. Alston who was born Marth 15th 1767 & departed this life April 29th 1841." "Tis here he rests, Death's mortal sleep has sealed his flashing eye', And many a kindred soul does weep, And heave the anguish'd sigh. His noble form is stiff and cold, His melting voice is hushe'd. That heart now lies beneath the mould, Whence love's pure currents gushe'd." Signed M.A. Boyd. Round obelisk. [Chatham Jack Alston] Relationship info from Groves, "The Alstons---of No.Carolina, 1901, p.126. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Joseph J. Jun (b. 17 Feb 1814 - d. 28 May 1842)
[Husband of (1st) Parmelia DeGraffenreidt and (2nd) Decimus Palmer Alston. Son of Joseph John,and Martha (Kearney) Alston.] "In memory of Joseph J. Alston Jun. who was born Febr 17th 1814 and Died May 28th 1842." "Alas that the fair and young The beautiful and good Should be called in the spring of earthly joy To the graves' dark solitude. The clod's of the valley lie, In courses o'er thy bed, But my soul doth oft in the shadowy hour, Commune with the sainted dead. And when thy vision comes, As now, in that magestick [sic] train, A voice like thine whispers oft and low, That we shall meet again." 5' pyramid. Relationship info from Groves, "The Alstons---of No. Carolina" 1901, p. 126. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Junius A., [Jr.] (b. 21 Mar 1875 - d. 30 Aug 1876)
Son of J. A. and Ida Alston" [Junius A. and Ida (Loyd) Alston] Carved in relief-letters are raised. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Martha [Kearney] (b. 22 Feb 1771 - d. Jun 1852)
[Wife of Joseph John 'Chatham Jack' Alston. Daughter of Philip and Martha (Alston) Kearney.] "To the memory of Mrs. Martha Alston. She died in June 1852 age 82." "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life." 2'sq. 3' high, 5' pyramid. Relationship info from Groves, "The Alstons--of No. Carolina" 1901, p.126; Alston---Society, Vol 1, 1958-1961, p. 32. Closeup of inscription. Obelisk fallen, but restored in July 2010.
Alston, Nathaniel M. [Macon] (b. 15 Dec 1801 - d. 2 Jun 1856)
[Husband of Patsy K. (Williams) Alston. Son of Joseph John and Martha (Kearney) Alston.] 6' pedestal. "Born in Chatham County." "The faithful Christian has no dread, Of being numbered with the dead. His peace is made with God above, Conveyed by angels to his love." Stone signed Lauder, Fayetteville. Relationship info from Groves, "The Alstons--of No. Carolina" 1901, p. 126. Closeup of inscription. After cleanup.
Alston, Philip K. [Kearney Dawson] (b. 25 Dec 1811 - d. May 1852)
[Husband of Ann (Harwell) Alston. Son of Joseph John and Martha (Kearney) Alston.] "To the memory of Philip K. Alston of Chatham who died in the month of May 1852 aged 40." "Of honor incorruptible, of friendship sincere, of integrity inflexible, of manners plain and simple, without duplicity, cunning or dissimulation. As husband, father, son, brother tenderly beloved, and worthy of being so loved." 8' pedestal. Relationship info from Groves, "The Alstons--of No. Carolina" 1901, p.126. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, R. P. (b. Unknown - d. 2 Jul 1872)
"Sacred to the memory of R. P. Alston who departed this life July 2 1872. In God we trust." Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Robert P. (b. 22 Jan 1871 - d. 24 Aug 1876)
Son of J.A. and Ida Alston" [Junius A. and Ida (Loyd) Alston]. Closeup of inscription.
Alston, Saltar Lloyd (b. 23 Jun 1872 - d. 3 Sep 1876)
Gregory, Sallie Alston (b. 23 Jul 1860 - d. 23 Sep 1862)
Daughter of R.O. (Roger O.) and Sallie E. (Alston) Gregory. "Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Gregory, Sallie E. (Alston) (b. 15 Aug 1840 - d. 22 Feb 1862)
Daughter of Gideon and Eveline Alston. "How blest the righteous when they die." 3' column 1' sq. Closeup of inscription.
Unknown, B. (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Small. Only "B" on stone.
Unknown, B. (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Small. Only "B" on stone.
Unknown, Baby (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Baby (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
grave marker by quartz fieldstone
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
grave marked by a large fieldstone
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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