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204 McCARROLL, JAMES [H17.2]
Location - Matthews Township. 100 feet north of US 64 pavement, 0.35 mile east of Varnell Creek
Coordinates: 35d 44m 03.0s N; 79d 23m 47.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Photographs by Duane Hall in March 2011.
A new monument was erected by Rachel Whitehead, April 2000: Jane Pyle at the new monument in May 2000. Rachel Whitehead at the old monument in April 2000.
"Dr. James McCarroll Born in Ireland 1734 Died 3 April 1777 Married to Elizabeth St. Lawrence"
The original thick, flat marble slab, 3 feet by 6 feet, has the following inscription:
"Here lies interred the body of Doctor James McCarroll. He was born in the County of [Aramagh-sic] Armagh in the Kingdom of Ireland in the year 1734 and departed this life on the 93rd day of the year 1777, the 43rd year of his age. He was remarkable for his knowledge in the arts and science. This monument erected by Elizabeth McCarroll his widow on the 16th day of 1778."
The Chatham Record published an article "An Old Grave," about the McCarroll gravestone on 15 Nov 1883, noting that it was even then believed to be one of the oldest marked graves in the county. That article incorrectly indicates that Dr. McCarroll's daughter married Patrick St. Lawrence. It was Dr. McCarroll's widow, Elizabeth, who married Mr. St. Lawrence.
This marker was surveyed by Wade Hadley 31 March 1982. The site was visited 12 May 2000 by Will M. and Audrey O. Heiser with Rachel Whitehead, property owner at that time. Duane Hall photographed the site in March 2011.
Owner: Elbert, Bradley A., II. Legal Description: Parcel 62903. Deed 1455/99, Plat 2009-0001. Deed 495/409, Plat A-699. Deed JE-165, 15 Sep 1933, to Henry H. and Buena Whitehead. Topo Quadrant: Siler City. Family owned: Yes. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: 1. Cemetery size: 20' x 20'. White: Yes. Unrestricted access: Restricted access. Private property. Overgrown and easy to identify: Yes. Enclosed: No. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 1. Last burial: 1777. First burial: 1777. Unusual situation: Yes - original marker erected 1778. Unusual situation: Flat marble 3' x 6': "Here lies interred the body of Dr. James McCarroll, etc."
Significant events: Dr. James McCarroll was a prominent citizen of Chatham County in the 1700's. His widow, Elizabeth, married Patrick St. Lawrence who kept a tavern and whose name was given to the post office near where Dr. McCarroll is buried. The Chatham Record published an article "An Old Grave," about the McCarroll gravestone on 15 Nov 1883.
Last canvassed by: Will M. and Audrey Heiser with Rachel Whitehead. Date: 12 May 2000; Duane Hall, March 2011.
McCarroll, James, Dr. (b. 1734 - d. 2 Apr 1777)
Husband of Elizabeth St. Lawrence (who later married Patrick St. Lawrence). New stone erected by Rachel Whitehead, April 2000. View #2 of grave. View #3 of grave.
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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