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128 COLE, ELIJAH C. [E53.1]
Location - Williams Township. On the east side of Windstone (SR 1776). 0.2 mile north of Villageway (SR 1718), 0.4 mile west of US 15-501
Coordinates: 35d 48m 14.0s N; 79d 05m 10.8s W Click here for Online Maps
A lot about 70 feet square was set aside between Lots 179 and 180 in Fearrington Development as shown on Plat 26-79. Two graves are located at the southwest comer of the area, 30 by 40 feet, surrounded by a stone wall 3 feet wide by 2 feet high, with a single opening for entry on the west side. View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery. View #4 of the cemetery.
Remarks: Elijah C. Cole, son of William Cole, Jr., married Mary Jane White. Their daughter Adelaide Cole married Edwin Mebane Fearrington, grandfather of Jesse Owen Fearrngton, son of John Bunyan and Annie Owen Fearrington. The Cole farm was purchased by William Cole, Sr., 20 March, 1786, and ultimately passed ownership to Jesse Owen and Willa D. Fearrington, who were the last family owners of Eureka Farm, sold to Fitch Creations in 1974. At that time there was a wrought iron gate at the entrance and stones marking other graves. Some time after 1974, the gate and unmarked stones have been removed. It is possible William Cole, Sr., and William Cole, Jr., along with other Coles are buried in the cemetery.
Reference: Jesse O. Fearrington
Recorded: Will M. Heiser, 25 Jan 1989.
Shown on Property Ownership map in County tax Office, Sheet 9774, as Tax Parcel No. 3435, 0.12 acre, Owner - Unknown
Owner: Fearrington Homeowners Assn. Inc. Legal Description: Parcel number 73726, Deed book 843/882 Plat 26-79. Deed acres: 0.115 Size: approx 70'x75' Topo Quadrant: Farrington. Family owned: Yes. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: 6. Cemetery size: 30' x 40'. White: Yes. Unrestricted access: Yes. Poorly maintained: Yes. Enclosed: Yes. Enclosed explanation: Stone wall 3' wide by 2' high. Enclosed conditions: Fair. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 2. Last burial: 1915. First burial: 1907. Unusual situation: Yes. Significant events: Historical interest to Cole family, first settlers on the land. Miscellaneous information: First burial: 6 Feb 1907; Last burial: 10 July 1915. Last canvassed by: Will M. Heiser. Date: 16 Jan 1989.
Cole, Elijah C. (b. 1 Apr 1820 - d. 10 Jul 1915)
Husband of Mary Jane (White) Cole. Son of William Cole, Jr. "Kind Father of love, thou art gone to thy rest forever to bask 'mid the joys of the blest". Closeup of inscription. Closeup of symbol.
Cole, Mary Jane (White) (b. 6 Jan 1825 - d. 6 Feb 1907)
Wife of Elijah C. Cole. "The rose may fade, the lily die, But flowers immortal bloom on high". Footstone: M.J.C. Closeup of inscription. Closeup of symbol.
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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