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016 BUCKNER [B59.1]
Location - Albright Township. Shares access with 1380 Will Brown Road. Cemetery is visible at end of lane.
Coordinates: 35d 48m 13.0s N; 79d 23m 06.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Another view of the cemetery.
Owner: Trustees. Legal Description: Parcel 62190, deed 426/731; plat 2000-190 shows cemetery. Deed 426/378, from D. Coy Jones to D. Coy and Marandy Jones 26 July 1979 "except 1/2 acre of land on which the Buckner Graveyard is located." Plat 26-24.. Topo Quadrant: Crutchfield Crossroads Code B. Family owned: Yes. Maintained and in use: Yes. Number of graves: 100. Cemetery size: 90' x' 100'. White: Yes. Restricted access: Yes. On private property Well maintained: Yes. Enclosed: Yes. Enclosed explanation: Wire fence, metal gate. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 25. Last burial: 1928. First burial: 1827. Unusual situation: Yes. Unusual situation: two three-sided pyramid fieldstones. Markers damaged: Yes. Other damage explanation: time, weather. Listed: Yes. Listed explanation: "Gravesites of Chatham County" lists the site, but it had not yet been inventoried.
Miscellaneous information: In March 2009 Jim and Bev Wiggins inventoried the cemetery. Twenty-five inscribed gravestone markers were found, with clear indications of approximately 75 other burial sites, most with fieldstone markers. The cemetery is fenced with a sturdy wood and wire fence, and has been maintained.
Last canvassed by: Jim and Bev Wiggins. Date: 18 Mar 2009. Pictures provided by Bev Wiggins in April 2009.
B, J M (b. 6 Sep 1858 - d. 3 Oct 1875)
In memory of. Location row 5. column 13.
B, T N (b. 1848 - d. 1855)
Headstone is fieldstone shaped as three-sided pyramid.. Location row 5. column 9.
Buckner, Alice (b. 11 Jul 1825 - d. 25 Apr 1870)
Age 44 yrs 9 mo and 14 days. fs: AB. Location row 5. column 11.
Buckner, B (b. 18 Apr 1794 - d. 20 Mar 1827)
Location row 5. column 3.
Buckner, C F (b. 25 May 1866 - d. 27 Dec 1889)
In memory of. There is also a marble stone with Cammelia Buckner--same birth and death dates. May be for same person?. Location row 4. column 4.
Buckner, Cammelia F. (b. 25 May 1866 - d. 27 Dec 1889)
fs: CFB. There is also a fieldstone with Buckner, CF, same birth and death dates. May be for same person.?. Location row 5. column 1.
Buckner, Eli (b. 5 Mar 1826 - d. 30 Jan 1915)
[husband of Sinai Buckner] not on stone. Father Aged 88 ys 10ms 25 ds He is not dead but sleepeth.. fs: EB cross and crown design. Location row 4. column 12.
Buckner, Frances C. (b. 21 Dec 1851 - d. 26 Dec 1924)
shares stone with William J. Buckner. Just when we learned to love them most, God called them back to Heaven. Mother. fs: FCB. double grave surrounded by white quartz. Location row 6. column 14.
Buckner, Infant (b. 29 Dec 1882 - d. 4 Jan 1883)
infant son of WJ and FC Buckner. Another little darling babe Is sheltered in the grave.. fs: not inscribed. Grave outlined in white quartz.. Location row 6. column 16.
Buckner, Jessie D. (b. 4 Feb 1828 - d. 23 Apr 1885)
Age 57 yrs 2 mos and 19 days. fs: JDB. Location row 5. column 12.
Buckner, Sinai (b. 25 Jun 1827 - d. 3 Dec 1913)
[wife of Eli Buckner] not on stone. To My Wife Aged 86 yrs 5 mo 8 dys. cross and crown design Stone matches Eli Buckner fs: SB. Location row 4. column 11.
Buckner, Thomas (b. 8 Feb 1809 - d. 25 Sep 1848)
In memory of. flat fieldstone. Location row 4. column 7.
Buckner, William J. (b. 23 Feb 1851 - d. 29 Dec 1924)
[stone has Wm. J.] shares stone with Frances C. Buckner. Just when we learned to love them most, God called them back to Heaven. Father. fs; WJB. double grave surrounded by white quartz. Location row 6. column 13.
Buckner, Zemo (b. 2 Jul 1887 - d. 29 Apr 1900)
Prepare to meet me in Heaven.. fs: ZB. Grave outlined in white quartz.. Location row 6. column 15.
Hargrove, Elizabeth (b. 12 Oct 1857 - d. 3 Dec 1873)
Aged 16y 4mo 16d. fs: EH. Row 1. column 6.
Hargrove, Hannah (b. 27 Feb 1858 - d. 1 May 1877)
Aged 19y 3mo 4d. fs: HH. Row 1. column 4.
Hargrove, Israel (b. Unknown - d. 11 Nov 1875)
husband of Sarah A. Hargrove [not on stone--per her stone]. fs: IH. Row 1. column 7.
Hargrove, Margaret Empire (b. 12 Mar 1860 - d. 3 Dec 1928)
fs: MEH. Row 1. column 1.
Hargrove, Mary (b. 31 Jul 1847 - d. 23 Nov 1876)
Aged 29y 3mo 22d. fs: MH. Row 1. column 5.
Hargrove, Minerva (b. 9 Jan 1862 - d. 22 Mar 1828)
Aged 16y 2 mo 13 d. fs: MGH. Row 1. column 3.
Hargrove, Rebecca Jane (b. 23 Mar 1854 - d. 28 Nov 1915)
aged 61 ys 8 ms 5ds. fs: RJH. Row 1. column 2.
Hargrove, Sarah A. (b. 5 Jun 1827 - d. 14 Sep 1905)
wife of Israel Hargrove [on stone]. Aged 78y 3mo 9d. fs: SAH. Row 1. column 8.
J, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. ____)
infant of EMJ [illegible] M. Row 1. column 16.
S, H E (b. Unknown - d. 1874)
white quartz surrounds grave--small grave. Row 5. column 4.
S, S J (b. Unknown - d. 1877)
white quartz surrounds grave. Row 6. column 4.
Web page updated 31 October 2024
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