Alphabetical List of Buncombe County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: Abee, Effie Lee Daniel | Thru: Barry, Patrick Joseph |
From: Bartlett, Annie Alice Crow | Thru: Brookshire, Hilliard |
From: Brookshire, L Balfour | Thru: Carver, Samuel |
From: Case, Alfred Thomas | Thru: Crompton, Ruby Jean Haney |
From: Crompton, William Jacob | Thru: Edney, Donald Keith |
From: Edney, Guy Grant | Thru: Garland, Grace Orr |
From: Garland, Mary Braswell | Thru: Hamby, William Lee |
From: Hamlin, David Kenneth | Thru: Holcombe, Donnie Maynor |
From: Holcombe, Fushia Lou Thomas | Thru: Jones, Joe |
From: Jones, John E | Thru: Levi, Herman Edward |
From: Levi, Martha Hyatt | Thru: McDougle, Janie Beth Seawright |
From: McDowell, Clare W | Thru: Moore, Dorothy Owensby |
From: Moore, Earl Lee | Thru: Parris, Carl E |
From: Parris, Evelyn Margaret | Thru: Quinn, Robert E |
From: Quinn, Shirley Irene | Thru: Rogers, Vivian Creasman |
From: Rogers, Wiley Carrol "WC" | Thru: Smith, Alma Evans |
From: Smith, Archie Jr | Thru: Swafford, Everett E. |
From: Swafford, Melissa D "Missy" | Thru: Walker, Myrtle McKinney |
From: Walker, Nathaniel H. | Thru: Wise, Loran Henry (Rev.) |
From: Wiseman, Edna Bryson | Thru: Zellner, John Fredrick |
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
Web page created 19 April 2021